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  • latest123110.jpg

    12/31/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    There were no sunspots for a full week, December 18-24. Christmas Day saw a return to sunspot activity, so the last two of those spotless days were in the Thursday through Wednesday reporting period in this bulletin, December 23-29. The average daily suns
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  • Sunspot040810

    04/09/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    A strong geomagnetic storm on Monday and Tuesday -- April 5-6 -- was the biggest since 2006, at least in terms of high planetary A index. On those days, the mid-latitude A index was 28 and 22 and the planetary A index was 49 and 46. This was caused by a m
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  • sunspot030410

    03/05/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Two new sunspot groups appeared on March 1, numbered 1052 and 1053. The total number of sunspot groups appearing over the last month is 11. Looking at our 3-month moving average of daily sunspot numbers, the latest for December-January-February is 22.4, f
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